The most important aspect of problem definition is the way a problem has been defined. The unfortunate Love Canal story is a great example of how to define a problem. Residents of Niagara Falls were faced with horrific living conditions when their homes, property and city was invaded by toxic waste products.

The government’s response time was unreal, given the circumstances. Implementing multiple components to define the problem can explain why the government was ill-prepared for the situation. The Legacy of the Hooker Chemical Company provides a good overview of the disaster, including its origin, uniqueness and population of the problem. It also offers solutions. It is necessary to identify the cause of a problem in order for it to be treated properly. Brown relays a response from an independent city consultant to Brown when he inquires about what the planned action is. “We’re still not sure of the final solution. 1980). It was not decided who would pay for the damage or be responsible. A deal could not be reached by the Hooker Chemical Company with the Hooker Chemical Board, the City, or the City. No one could come up with a solution or plan due to the lack accountability.

Love Canal’s situation was unique, because the federal and state governments had never dealt with this kind of transaction before. It was unclear whether Hooker’s acts were deliberate or accidental. Hooker Company stated that corruption occurred “before environmental issues became a problem and the potential dangers of soil pollution were virtually unknown”(Brown). 1980. p.60). Hooker can defend himself by pointing out that political regulations regarding polluting were not in effect before. Hooker did not technically violate any regulations because they were not in effect.

A solution to the problem would be put off because there were no similar situations that the government was aware of. Imagine the frustration of the residents if even the government had trouble resolving the issue. Residents would have hoped that someone would be accountable and fix any damage. Problem population is also defined. The story’s suffering people are the reason for the problem population. In this case, there was a large problem population because those who lived outside the area affected were not informed of the situation. Most people in this area worked for chemical plants earning little money. Due to the small population and their low income, they were unable to help themselves.

Love Canal Home Owners Association was created in order to raise awareness of their issues. They had a hard time expressing their concerns because they were often at work to support their families and could not travel to promote their issues. Residents also faced the obstacle of working for Hooker’s Chemical Company, and not wanting to risk their jobs. Niagara is economically dependent on chemical waste plants, so residents have to choose between toxic pollution and employment. These constraints made public aid impossible.

It is necessary to have a fix for a situation to be classified as one. In the Love Canal’s situation, Hooker’s Chemical Company (the government) and the general public were unable to identify a solution. The government’s response was terribly delayed. The damage to the environment was already done. Toxic chemicals could no longer be reversed or stopped. The pollution affected not only the environment, it also affected people. 1980). There was no political solution to the problem. Governments are not motivated to tackle a problem they cannot solve, as it will only increase tension. Love Canal’s misfortune changed many lives, and it influenced future policy.

This can explain the slow response of both state and national government by implementing different segments of problem identification. To best describe the disaster, it is important to use factors such as origin, uniqueness and problem population. Despite the tragedy of this disaster, it was a lesson that showed how important environmental decisions are.


Brown, M. H. (1980). The Legacy Of The Hooker Chemical Company. Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto (Ontario), Toronto.

Rochefort, D. A., & Cobb, R.W. (Eds.). (1994). Problem Definition: An Emerging Perspective. The University Press of Kansas, located in Lawrence, KS, published the book.


  • noahtaylor

    Noah Taylor is a bloger, teacher, and writer living in upstate New York. He is the author of the highly successful educational blog, Noah's World, and the creator of the popular teacher resource, Noah's Notes. He has also written for many online publications, including Parenting, The Huffington Post, and The Learning Place. Noah is a graduate of Williams College and the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.