It is difficult to take care of the creation of god. This essay discusses how our “I want what’s best” mentality completely contradicts this. Genesis 1:1-2,15. We’re bombarded daily with advertisements and messages telling us how we can make life easier. And yet our own selfishness is telling us: “No one else does it” and that “my contribution will not make any difference.” This passage shows Him creating intentionally and in order. He fills up what He created in the following 3 days. As we watch the Lord creating each one “according their kind,” He declares its goodness with every step.

All that God created is beautiful. He knew that his creations would thrive, and he created them knowing this. God’s never-ending wisdom confirms the existence of his creation. God uses his creation to reveal himself and his wonderful qualities. Since creation, God has made his invisible attributes, like his eternal nature and power, visible. This is why men are free from excuses.

Each day, millions of tonnes of garbage are generated by humans. Many of these litters end up in landfills. However, some are dumped illegally or accidentally into the ocean. Researchers have developed a new data base that shows how common ocean litter can be, from the infamous North Pacific garbage patches to the trash found in deep oceans and on beaches worldwide. Some of the worst polluted places, where there are more than 10 million pieces of litter in a square kilometer of ocean, include beaches, patches of sea, and areas of land off of South Korea’s coast and Jordan. Plastics make up the majority of this little bit, about 70%. Metal and glass are also a part of it. Particularly prevalent are microplastics. These are tiny shards that measure less than 5mm. It’s due to the large pieces breaking down in sunlight or ocean currents. Our litter makes life in the ocean difficult.

This database also shows that over 1200 aquatic mammals, fish, and other species come into contact with litter, either by eating, living, or becoming entangled. Carbon dioxide, the most dangerous gas for climate change, is released when oil and coal are burned to produce energy. It’s produced when fossil fuels like oil, coke, and coal are burned to produce energy. This energy is used in our homes, cars, smartphones, etc. We can also save money if we use less. We can reduce carbon emissions by saving water. Because it takes energy to heat, pump, and treat water. You can reduce the length of your showers by turning off the tap when you are brushing teeth.


  • noahtaylor

    Noah Taylor is a bloger, teacher, and writer living in upstate New York. He is the author of the highly successful educational blog, Noah's World, and the creator of the popular teacher resource, Noah's Notes. He has also written for many online publications, including Parenting, The Huffington Post, and The Learning Place. Noah is a graduate of Williams College and the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.