Save the People of the Forest

Orangutans, a rare species of ape, live on the Sumatra and Borneo islands in Southeast Asia. They are endangered due to their unique lifestyle, feeding habits, and procreation patterns. Orangutans have been hunted and murdered, and palm oil plantations are destroying their habitats. The species is being saved by conservation methods, but the number of these animals continues to decline at alarming rates.

The orangutan, a species of ape, is found on two islands: Sumatra in Southeast Asia and Borneo in Southeast Asia. They are the fourth Great Ape in the World alongside bonobos, gorillas, and chimpanzees. Orangutans live in tree canopies and build their nests. They also forage for food and protect themselves from predators. Orangutans were named after the place they occupied. This is because the Indonesian language and Malaysian language translate the word orang into hutan. This primat is almost identical in DNA to humans as chimpanzees. The orangutan is currently in critical danger. Their population is on the decline. They were once estimated to be around 60,000, but then lost 20,000 over a ten-year period. Poaching and loss of habitat from deforestation as well as Indonesian palm oil plants are some of the reasons for orangutan’s declining numbers (Orangutan Conservancy 2011, 2011). Orangutans can help to change the environment by harvesting fruit from trees and scattering seeds. However, as omnivores they may also consume small animals. Orangutans also play a vital role in the survival of other environmental organisms like insects. Poaching, hunting, and pet trading have all played a major role in the decline of Sumatra’s orangutans. Sumatra is the largest island that makes up Indonesia and Malaysia, which are home to large numbers of palm oil plantations. Many of these plantations aren’t even legal. Human/orangutan interactions are often disrupted by farm disturbances, self-defense (Meijaard 2011, 2010) or even food consumption (Thompson 2010, 2010). Because of the Indonesian palm oil market, orangutans can also be affected by deforestation. Palm oil is also harvested from the nut, kernel and fruit of palm trees. The market for palm oil in Indonesia leads the way in food production (Kilby 1967). The conservation methods are designed to protect orangutans already living in forests, and to reintroduce orangutans from captivity back into nature. These include patrols or replanting trees that are familiar to the species.

The decline in orangutan populations is greatly influenced by their reproductive rate. It takes orangutans less than a decade before they reach puberty. On average, one child is born every eighteen years. Their procreation rate is not as high as that of humans. Due to their long life cycles and hunting, their number has declined rapidly. This is due to the fact that they live in treetops. Orangutan Conservancy 2011, Because they rarely walk on the floor, it is difficult for them not to be killed by loggers. Orangutans who lose their homes must either flee or wander into plantations and farms where there is a high risk of them being killed by workers (Orangutan Conservancy (2011)). Humans can also cause strain in the mother-child relationships. A mother orangutan will tend to her baby for six-years, but the offspring will continue to live with their parents for at least another six years. (Orangutan Conservancy 2011, 2011). Poachers will kill the mother to take the baby to their home for pet trading. If the baby is left alone, it has a very low chance of survival in the forest.

The endangerment and destruction of species is largely due to deforestation.

Tree-cutter workers and loggers constantly cut down trees to make way for palm plantations. Even more trees are being harvested to produce palm oil. Orangutans are forced to live in deeper forest areas by man-caused wildfires. Plantations are destroying the only thing orangutans need to call home. People who work in plantations also don’t have access to food and are often living in poor conditions. Sometimes workers will have to hunt orangutans, and this is often their last resort (Chermayeff. 2009). An orangutan’s diet would be similar to cannibalism, as they share almost the same genome. These animals are also less common due to hunting. They can be hunted for food, farm disturbances, and also kept as pets. Over 50 years has passed since illegal pet trading began. This is not only to ensure that they are kept in circuses or zoos, but also for their protection (Butler 2009). Orangutans can be abused and exploited by humans all the time, if not even killed. Male orangutans have been trained to box for entertainment. The training of the apes involves starvation and drugs as well as beatings by trainers. Female orangutans can be sexually abused by people. Pony, 12-year-old, was found in Keremgpangi’s brothel. Pony was groomed for prostitution and then covered in cosmetics. Workers from palm oil plantations and logging companies would watch her perform or abuse others. Pony was taken into animal rescue. The brothel owners threatened Pony with violence and took 30 agents to get her back (Perez, 2014).

These methods can be used to save orangutans as well as their habitat. After animals have been saved from suffering, they are released into the wild and are then relocated. Pony, an orangutan, was taken from the brothel. Agents brought Pony to Bangamat, where they found 70 orangutans. PETA and BOS take great steps in saving them. PETA stands for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. It is an organization of officials that has declared that the animal boxing events in the area must be stopped (Perez (2014)). Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation or BOS is creating animal orphanages to care for orangutan babies rescued from the wild. Some groups have begun to come together to own the land that orangutans are living on, in order for them to be protected. Orangutan Green Team (Boltje 2016, 2016) is one of several groups that are looking to buy a part of the forests. Rescue groups are sending out patrols to ensure that there is no illegal logging or killing of animals. Drones are also being used to monitor wildfires and other illegal activities. But male orangutans can only survive alone (Orangutan Conservancy (2011)). They are often rescued and placed on forest areas far away from plantations.

Orangutans are the most endangered species on Earth and are often overlooked. Human activity on Sumatra (Borneo) has caused the death of apes in many ways: poaching, killing, poaching and selling. The genome of an orangutan is almost identical to that of humans. It is estimated to be 97% (Brubaker 2010). They can communicate with one another quickly and are capable of learning fast. However, humans don’t treat them with the respect they deserve. We may be able to use new technologies to help prevent the forest and its inhabitants from suffering. This species is being saved by wildlife experts who are involved in conservation efforts. It is unclear if these conservation efforts will be able to offset the damage already done or make up the difference. What is the point of “people of forest” if there are no forests for them to call home?


  • noahtaylor

    Noah Taylor is a bloger, teacher, and writer living in upstate New York. He is the author of the highly successful educational blog, Noah's World, and the creator of the popular teacher resource, Noah's Notes. He has also written for many online publications, including Parenting, The Huffington Post, and The Learning Place. Noah is a graduate of Williams College and the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.