Wildlife and wilderness are the basis of biodiversity in a given ecosystem. Conservation is essential for the preservation of all global ecosystems. This report will examine the reasons for wilderness and wildlife conservation. Also, conservation’s positive and negative sides will be evaluated. The potential conflicts of interests within Yellowstone National Park, which is located in the United States of America, will also be addressed.

There are seven reasons why wildlife and wilderness conservation is necessary: aesthetic, moral, ethical, educational, recreational and economic. Conservation of wilderness and wildlife ensures biodiversity’s aesthetic value. Stokes (2006). While this statement may be a good thing for many species, it can also lead to endangered wildlife being less protected. ZSL created EDGEofexistence programme and conservation projects to educate the public about all species. Education is an essential part of conservation. This allows people to connect with animals they know, increasing their enthusiasm for conservation projects and learning new ways to help wildlife. Funding conservation can be made possible by the recreational value and beauty of wilderness and wildlife. Green tourism, a form or tourism, is one that promotes sustainability and preserves natural resources. Prasad (2012) asserted that nature has spiritual, aesthetic, and economic value. Nature benefits humans and is used by them for food, fuel, and water. Harvesting natural resources can generate large profits and provide jobs. Nearly all religions around the globe are linked to nature. Rautkari (2017). “Natural habitats, biodiversity are a strong part people’s culture & values.” Future generations can also benefit from wildlife conservation. The conservation of genetic diversity also safeguards the species-strengthening gene pools. The negative effects of human interest can have an impact on species and ecosystems around the globe. Coral reefs are one example of an ecosystem that is rapidly declining because of human interest. “70% of coral reefs will be gone by 2030 if not corrected” Cosio (2016). The negative impacts of tourist activities on coral coral reefs. Irreversible damage and pollution are two of the negative effects that contribute to coral reef decline. This can happen due to cruises or tour boats. Anchoring or grounding can cause coral reefs physical damage.

Smith, 2015: “UK has one of the highest rates for cocaine use in Europe among young adults” This dangerous illegal habit has many adverse consequences. To make space for coca plantation, 300,000.000 hectares were cleared. The pollution threat posed by toxic chemicals used in the production of cocaine is increasing as they get into rivers and waterways, further threatening wildlife. Greenpeace and the Colombian military staff are working together to protect and monitor the affected areas. It has also been pledged that drug abuse will be reduced worldwide.

Some might argue that ski resorts have a negative effect on the environment. Ski resorts must offer snowboarding and skiing to their guests in order to be successful. Because of global warming, snowfall is decreasing and resort owners are forced to relocate their resorts to higher elevations or source snow from another location. Artificial snow is used for skiers. Artificial snow is used to attract more skiers. Another problem facing wildlife is deforestation. Trees are being chopped down in order to make room for ski runs. This can also lead to habitat destruction.

“The process by which a biological community’s structure evolves over the course of time is called succession.” (Thompson 2017). There are two types. Primary succession occurs on natural surfaces like barerock, which is not covered by soil.

These surfaces are transformed into soil by pioneer species called lichens, which allows for simple plant forms like perennials and grasses. These simple forms of plant colonization begin to take place over many centuries and the soil becomes fertile for intermediate plants. The climax community, the last stage of primary generation, is also known. It will be there until it is gone. Secondary succession is similar to primary succession, but it happens faster in environments with soil. Succession is usually caused by major disturbances to the ecosystem. You can use controlled burning to preserve heathland, moorland, and other areas. The preservation of moorlands, heathlands, and other habitats for many birds and insects is one of the positive aspects of succession. However, succession can have a negative effect on species. They must adapt to new environments or migrate as part of each stage. If the proper control of burning is not followed, some species may be endangered.

Conservation management is used to manage non-native and invasive species. These are done for many reasons. Culling is one way to reduce non-native species. Translocation, which involves moving them to another location or culling the existing population. It is vital to perform airport and cargo checks in order to prevent the spread of brown tree snakes, such as Guam. Guam’s brown tree snake was first brought to the island by a cargo ship in 1945. Because the island has no predators to manage the population, the brown tree snake is known as an invasive species. The population of brown tree serpents on Guam is likely to continue growing without the control of non-native invasive species and undesirable species. This could have devastating consequences for forests as well as other species. Research has shown that new tree growth has fallen up to 92%.

Conservation management is also used to provide favorable conditions for species that are declining in numbers. There are many reasons why these numbers are declining, including the fact that pollution is deterring species or disrupting food chains and webs. The best solutions to decreasing numbers of species that are favorable include making it more attractive or giving them a breeding location. The UK’s most endangered amphibian species is the natterjacktoad. It is threatened by habitat loss and damage. Sandy, Bedfordshire RSPB built new heathland pools with shallow sandy bottoms to aid in the increase of natterjacks. “RSPB volunteers and wardens counted over 300 amphibians of thumbnail size emerging from the pools at The Lodge in Bedfordshire.” (Rupert 2017).

In conserving and preserving genetic diversity, zoos, botanical gardens, seed banks and seed banks all play an important role. Projects that help endangered species are carried out by zoos. In 1992, Toronto Zoo participated in the rehabilitation of the black footed ferret. It was believed that this species had been extinct. The 2009 program saw the release of 34% of the animals into the wild. Some might argue that animals raised in captivity will not behave the way they do in nature. However, wild caretakers work hard to create the environment that the animals live in. This ecosystem is far more natural than the one they are born from. 20% of world’s plant biodiversity is in danger. Botanical gardens have 33.3%, while 41% are listed as endangered. (Lewsey 2017, Botanicals use seed banks to conserve and educate threatened species and preserve genetic diversity. Seed banks can also be used to store many species of plants in a small space. The purpose of collecting seeds is to conserve species.

Various organizations, whether commercial, nonprofit or commercial, contribute to the protection and conservation of ecologically important sites. The bodyshop is a commercial company that actively supports the conservation and preservation of the environment. The World Land Trust receives a small percentage of every sale, online or in-store. The World Land Trust is a non-profit organization that helps to restore land in India’s Garo hills and Vietnam’s Khe Nuoc Forest. To reduce their ecological footprint, the body shop uses only natural materials from sustainable sources.

Natural ingredients can have the negative side effect of making products more expensive, which could lead to a lower following. Natural England, a DEFRA-sponsored government organization, was established to help establish policies that protect England’s natural and wild resources. Natural England confirmed that the Mid Cornwall Moors had been designated as a Site Special Scientific Interest in 2017. This means that legal protection has been granted to the wilderness and species living there. Natural England works in partnership with local landowners and organizations to preserve the landscape Cornwall as well as other sites throughout England. The WWF, a charity organization, is the world’s largest conservation group with over 5 million supporters in more than 100 countries. They work in areas like food, climate, fresh water and wildlife. Urbanization is one major problem facing WWF. Urbanization is predicted to affect 70% of the world’s population by 2050. This may not seem like a big problem but Humanity’s ecological footprint is already greater than the planet’s capacity. The decline in biodiversity is a sign of this.

Yellowstone National Park in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming is the largest park. It covers 3468.4 miles in area and is home to many endangered species. Mining is a major threat to Yellowstone. Every day, large-scale mining operations for coal and gold are conducted north of the park. It then pollutes the surrounding wildlife and wilderness, which in turn causes further pollution. Yellowstone businesses want to stop the mining of natural resources within the park. This would reduce the pollution. Tourism is another issue facing Yellowstone species. Because of the high volume of tourists, Yellowstone’s roads are often jammed during peak season. Tourists can also feed wildlife. Feeding animals humans is illegal and dangerous. You can place signs on your property stating that wild animals should not be fed. The Yellowstone website also has information about the dangers associated with feeding wild animals.


  • noahtaylor

    Noah Taylor is a bloger, teacher, and writer living in upstate New York. He is the author of the highly successful educational blog, Noah's World, and the creator of the popular teacher resource, Noah's Notes. He has also written for many online publications, including Parenting, The Huffington Post, and The Learning Place. Noah is a graduate of Williams College and the University of Massachusetts-Amherst.